Inspired Chiropractic & Wellness

Functional Medicine Services

At Inspired, we believe that healing is multi-faceted. We know that there are many pieces to the puzzle, and we offer foundational support for your life so that you can live and feel your best. That’s why we offer various types of energy healing.

Functional Medicine is a scientifically based approach that focuses on addressing and identifying the root cause of symptoms and/or preventing future disease. Each symptom, diagnosis, genetic makeup, family history, environmental trigger, food, toxin exposure and life event is thought to contribute to an individual’s illness. Therefore, diagnosis is not just one simple answer.

A diagnosis can be the result of more than one cause. It is our job to map out these causes and tie them together, just like a puzzle. I string together many triggering events or exposures and discover why you are suffering from a disease. From there, we treat the “why."

Now, we're sure you have questions... We've got answers!

Why is Functional Medicine so important?

Recent research has shown that over 40% of Americans suffer from chronic illness. In Functional Medicine, we believe there is no reason anyone should suffer from illness. Furthermore, even if you do not have an illness, why not optimize your health? It is our job to peel back the layers, find out why this happened and focus on the triggering event(s). It is also our job to prevent you from getting an illness down the road! By treating the why, it is not a band-aid over the problem, but a rooted treatment from the ground up.

How can Functional Medicine help me?

Have you ever been wondering why you don’t feel well all the time? Do you have nagging symptoms like fatigue, headaches, weight gain, hormonal dysfunction, mood changes, immune flare ups, etc.? Or do you suffer from any of these:

Adrenal Dysfunction 


Cardiovascular Disease 

Gastrointestinal Disease

 Leaky gut, SIBO, food intolerances 

Irritable Bowel Syndrome 


Mental Health Conditions 

Men’s Health 

Metabolic Conditions 

Neurological Conditions 

Skin Conditions 

Thyroid Conditions 

Women’s Health

How many visits are needed?

Expect a minimum of 6 visits, and monthly check ins are strongly recommended after the first 5. See timeline below for more details. The purpose of your first six visits are to get you started, after that you will need regular check-ins and updates, this process usually takes a year or more to truly make a lasting change.Please note: Only one test kit or bloodwork result will be reviewed per visit due to time

Does everyone need a functional kit?

Not necessarily. The need for kits will be discussed in your first visit.

Do you take insurance?

Functional medicine office visits are sometimes covered by insurance.

What does Functional Medicine entail?

Supplement changes, dietary advice, physical activity changes, stress reduction techniques, cleaner/beauty care switches, and so much more.

Why do I need supplements?

Today’s food supply unfortunately does not contain enough nutrients to satisfy the needs of our body. Almost every patient will receive a supplement plan via our online dispensary Fullscript. According to the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, as amended, Section 201(g)(1), the term drug is defined as an 'article intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treating use of supplements and nutritional counseling in order to supply nutrition to support the physiological and biomechanical processes of the human body. The goal of these supplements are to support metabolic function and have a specific goal for each patient, or prevention of disease.' Technically, supplements are not classified as drugs. However, these substances can have significant effects on physiology and chemistry of the body. In this office, we make individualized recommendations regarding the use of supplements and how they may be safely used with medications (drugs), however interactions can occur. It is key that you keep all health care providers fully informed about each medication and supplements, herbs or hormones you are taking.

As a service to you, we make nutritional supplements available through our online dispensary called Fullscript. We love it because we have access to a variety the top evidence-based brands proven to have therapeutic effect on a multitude of conditions…all on ONE website! By utilizing a Fullscript account, you have access to the full catalog of products available through this site, along with your doctor’s personalized script for you. We require you to purchase through this site, because these products are from a trusted source. Natural herbs and supplements are not regulated by the FDA, so it is important to know where you are getting your product and that they will have the therapeutic benefits we desire.

Inspired believes in being transparent about your financial investments and we are committed to personalizing your journey.

We offer multiple options for joining our Functional Medicine program, from quick and easy answers and testing, to a comprehensive journey. At your new patient Functional Medicine visit, your doctor will review your options in detail.

Ready to optimize your health?

15644 Madison Ave, Suite 213

Lakewood, OH


(216) 801-4322


© 2024 Inspired Chiropractic & Wellness.